Q25 – Should I buy an existing RIA or start my own?

Q25 – Should I buy an existing RIA or start my own?

… Also available as podcast (Episode #25) Apple  |  Android  |  Spotify  |  Amazon Should I buy an existing RIA or start my own? There are multiple ways to transition into the Registered Investment Advisor (“RIA”) model.  One such path would be to...
Q24 – What is a No Transaction Fee program?

Q24 – What is a No Transaction Fee program?

… Also available as podcast (Episode #24) Apple  |  Android  |  Spotify  |  Amazon What is a No Transaction Fee program? While there has been a general movement in the recent past to move to “$0” transaction fees, that generally has only applied to...
Q22 – Does my custodian send account statements to my clients?

Q22 – Does my custodian send account statements to my clients?

… Also available as podcast (Episode #22) Apple  |  Android  |  Spotify  |  Amazon Does my custodian send account statements to my clients? As a Registered Investment Advisor (“RIA”) that manages assets, you will need a custodian to formally custody...
Q20 – What is the minimum account size I can have as an RIA?

Q20 – What is the minimum account size I can have as an RIA?

… Also available as podcast (Episode #20) Apple  |  Android  |  Spotify  |  Amazon What is the minimum account size I can have as an RIA? As a Registered Investment Advisor (“RIA”), you generally can establish on your own what you want your minimum...
FREE WHITEPAPER:  “Steps To Take Now If You Anticipate Transitioning Your Practice To The RIA Model Anytime Within The Next 10 Years.”